Tuesday, August 31, 2010

parallels between positve/negative images

1. Both situations were unnatural. Perfection-how strange!Spite from a friend-unreal!

2. I maintain subconcious disbelief in both images. I always will wonder if I dreamed that perfect day. I will never accept that my friend truly rejected the person that I revealed to him.

3.Both images are picture-exact. I can see the sun shining through the ragged blinds onto my dalmatian blanket. I see the boy sitting, elbows to desk-top, with his mouth a "stoic line of revenge", and his eyes trained to anywhere but me.

4. In both situations, I responded defiantly. I challenged my friends' spite by sliding into the desk next to him every day. I told God that I was perfect on the sunny day: knowing very well that I was not.

5. Both images are strange, due to prior experience.
It didnt take a rainy day to know that the "perfect day" from my childhood was special. Yet I remember that day even now, because  I have never had another day like it. My silent friend sticks in my memory, because there were days when we were anything but silent spiteful students.

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